virtually taken over by the younger male prostitutes. Also increasing raids on certain pubs make life for some unsavoury, although the better-run clubs still seem to remain untouched. Perhaps too many well-known personalities resort to the latter?

In our provincial towns, which I visit occasionally, one cannot help but notice how very much bolder certain types are becoming. Although figures give the number here as one in twenty who are supposed to be homosexual I would personally rate things as much higher.


Mr. D. London, Eng.

Greetings from the East! There have been some new developments here for summer vacationeers. The beach in front of the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City, a famous playground for years, has been ordered placed under close supervision. There are new police regulations on the boardwalk. One states: "No leaning against railings or loitering on pedestrian crosswalks." This would seem to wipe out the hustlers, but many of them are known to work in collusion with the vice squad. Another states in large red letters: "No promenading after 8 PM in shorts, dungarees, undershirts or T-shirts or improper attire."

There are still two bars left, but they are now catering to the more elegant trade and give very little chance for one to strike up friendships.

Jacob Riis Park on Long Island is under close supervision. Cherry Grove seems to remain unscathed except for infrequent raids in the wee hours upon the Meat Rack. Weekend rentals are being discouraged in an attempt to keep out the rowdy hoodlums.

Mr. G. Wildwood, N. J.


I would very much like some information concerning your paper. I am very much interested in your organization. I am coming to Los Angeles this fall to finish my education at college and I would like to learn about the places to go for people like myself. My main interests are in the field of art and physical education. I understand that your paper gives a general idea about all kinds of "gay" life, and this is why I'm very interested.

Editor's Note:

Miss M. R. Vice Crawfordsville, Ind.

Miss Vice is undoubtedly an old friend of many of ONE's readers. We thought they would be pleased to learn that she has now moved to Crawfordsville.





Dear Mr Slater:


We are sorry to note that you feel our retaining the name Mattachine involves moral issue. On the contrary, according to our lawyer, the group in San Francisco had no legal right to disband the Area Councils without the decision of the National Convention.

We have not decided yet whether to discard the name or not. The New York Area Council is already chartered as the New York Mattachine Society, under the laws of the State of New York.

We have high regard for your organization and now turn to you for advice and guidance. Whatever help you can afford us along those lines will be greatly appreciated. Raymond Magniafico, Boston Mattachine Boston, Mass.



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